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Multiversalism - the ultimate art movement

Multiversialism (or Multiversialism)

Is here defined or described as an art practice that shows awareness of the (new) paradigm / understanding that the universe is multiversal, infinite and eternal, meaning that our big bang/cosmos may be among infinite others that surround in the space and extending to infinity and also that there may infinite alternative / parallel realities in any local space (and that the background formless energy of space is thus infinite).

The hypothesis may go hand in hand with an understanding that the nature of (our or any) reality is not absolute and is possibly artificial. It therefore will hope to moderate absolutist viewpoints (that tend to create conflict).

The multiversialist artist is ever curious about the endless mystery of the universe and not inclined to get stuck in a certain creative/ uniform 'samo' rut but prefer variety, experimentation and change to get a comprehensive viewpoint and experience. Their art/ practice is thus greatly varied or multifaceted or apparently inconsistent by traditional standards but can be consistently embraced in the multiversal understanding.

They may or may not create art that alludes to a multiverse of infinite other realities or worlds, but then they may also use ready-made familiar objects here on Earth (eg a ball of string), which, from the perspective of the greater cosmos, can be seen as extraordinary.


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