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Extract from The Pi Universe about Dark Matter

Anyway, if Gravity is probability related it gives a further clue as to the nature of dark matter. Let's say that the more real something is defined as being, the less probability pressure there is against its existence. Statisticians will say that the more points of reference or data a result has then the more real the result is. If matter is associated with a minimal time and distance gauge then then the smaller those defined distance and time gaps are, the more points of reference, ergo the more real the matter is, ergo the less probability pressure and the less Gravity it attracts. That's why in my theory if matter came in a variety of forms with different harmonic gauges of minimum length and distance values it would be associated with different strengths of Gravity - the bigger the values the stronger the gravity required. Bigger Planck values would also mean bigger (dark) photons, which should go with faster impulses of acceleration. As the gauge gets too big though the matter is defined as less real and less stable and the acceleration rates too fast for the speed limit of the reality (they would all share the same speed limit/minimum distance/time ratio, as part of the same reality) to allow enduring existence (so perhaps these too-strong-gravity dark matters must quickly crush themselves to reform as more stable weaker gravity forms of matter). I guessed that what we call ordinary matter is not quite the most real /stable form (or it would be too inert to allow complex chemistry). The smallest min. distance matter would be like a super light hydrogen atom that might spread out in intergalactic clouds. Our matter would be the Goldilocks mid range stuff, and the super strong gravity stuff would be more unstable and plasmic, tending to accelerate to form the dark masses at the hubs of galaxies but also filaments, nodes and membranes. Between different forms of dark matter there should be the weakest gravity, associated with the common harmonic (smallest) minimum distance.

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