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The BBC theory

‘The Bum and Boobs Cosmology theory’

A Short Meeting About a Theory that Explains the Cosmic acceleration and Other Cosmic Mysteries.

TBC location and time

Let me explain…

Since 1994 I have been trying to make the world of cosmology and science aware of my theory of the universe, which happened to predict the cosmic acceleration (discovered by astronomers in 1998). The theory has matured well, since no other theory has emerged to displace it and it also explains another mystery that presently confounds cosmologists and astronomers (see Eureka post below).

Despite its success as a theory, it has not caught on. Indeed it has been ignored. Many other theories abound and get published and talked about, for a while, but then gather no momentum, because when there are many theories, they each are most likely wrong. Even the most well-known theory of the cosmic acceleration, referred to as ‘dark energy’, in seeing it as the ‘energy of space’ or the vacuum energy, is widely understood to be not only wrong but wrong by a magnitude of at least ten to the power of 120. At no time in the history of science and cosmology has a theory been more wrong than that – and yet this is the most well-known theory - proof that the world has gone mad!

So, since my theory (the only theory that predicted the cosmic acceleration), has not caught on or even gets mentioned , I think it needs a catchy title. That worked for the Big Bang theory, which might otherwise be called ‘The theory that the universe had a beginning and has expanded from a moment of extreme heat and density’. ‘Big bang’ is more catchy and has an element of rudeness and innuendo (astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle first used the term dismissively, not liking the theory). An element of crudeness can make things more memorable (the jokes you most remember are the rude ones).

My theory/talk / explanation will not be rude of course, but you will see why the title is appropriate as a short abstract for the theory and an easy way to remember it.

One could call it the BBC theory for short, as those initials are also memorable and less rude.


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